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Downtown Wayfinding
Wayfinding uses signs, maps, and other environmental cues to help people identify their current location and navigate to a desired location
Renderings created by BERGMANN
Project Details
The goal of the project is to implement a wayfinding system to move residents and visitors through the downtown core in an active and engaging way. A variety of signs will be created based on a unified design and placemaking strategy that outlines standards for signage based on location, type, and intended user. Once implemented, the Downtown and Waterfront Wayfinding Strategy (created through the Downtown BOA) will improve navigation, improve overall aesthetics of the streetscape, and create dynamic and vibrant downtown and waterfront districts.
Total Project Cost: $180,000
DRI Award: $150,000
Click on the image to see a larger version. The document does not reflect final plans. Renderings created by BERGMANN
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