W. Chestnut Street Corridor Study
Project Description
The purpose of the W. Chestnut Street Corridor Study is to foster improved connectivity, safety, and efficient transportation within the study area. The project will consider all travelers, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders and motorists. Existing conditions will be evaluated, and mobility and safety needs will be identified.
Project Background
The W. Chestnut Street Corridor Study is part of HOCTC’s Local Transportation Planning Assistance Program, which provides funding for local governments to prepare community-based transportation and land use plans. W. Chestnut Street has been identified as a local roadway of concern due to operations, safety, and accessibility issues.
This study area includes W. Chestnut Street from just east of the Black River Blvd. intersection to the Turin Rd. intersection, and then continuing to the end of Merrick Rd.
The study is supported by transportation policies adopted in the City of Rome Comprehensive Plan's 2018 Sustainability Appendix to “create an accessible, efficient, multi-modal, regional transportation system that meets the needs of the public and commerce, while minimizing risks to health, safety, and the environment”.
The Chestnut Street Corridor, from the northern terminus of Merrick Road to Black River Boulevard (State Route 46), appears to adequately serve the needs of motorized travel, but does not accommodate the needs of alternative modes of transportation such as walking and bicycling. This leads to inefficient travel and barriers to transportation options within the community. The project will also assess potential improvements to the truck routes of Potter Road and Chestnut Street and potential improvements to the Merrick Road/Wood Creek bridge structure to accommodate future growth and sustainability.
This study is complementary to the Woodhaven Complete Streets Study that was completed in April 2022 which aimed to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity between residential areas, commercial developments, and surrounding trail systems on Floyd Avenue.
If you would like to be added to the email notification list for updates on future surveys, public meetings, or other information, please email a request to be added to transplan@ocgov.net.
Photos taken from the first public meeting held on 3/8/2023 and the second public meeting held 5/23/2023

Image courtesy of Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Project Goals
Improve pedestrian safety and connectivity between residential areas, commercial developments, and nearby trail systems on Chestnut Street and Merrick Road
Facilitate pedestrian connectivity to other key locations throughout the City
Assess the possibility of relocating the designated truck route away from Chestnut Street to Potter Road
Identify alternatives to improve traffic conditions and driver safety
Project Documents & Other Information