Woodhaven Complete Streets Study

Images courtesy of Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Project Goals
To improve pedestrian safety and connectivity between residential areas, commercial developments, and surrounding trail systems on Floyd Avenue
To identify improvements for Park Drive such as sidewalks and to improve drainage for adjacent driveways
To identify alternatives to improve traffic conditions and driver safety
To develop concepts that minimize impacts to adjacent property owners
To incorporate environmentally friendly green infrastructure
Project Description
The purpose of the Woodhaven Area Complete Streets Study is to evaluate the existing conditions within the Study Area, illustrated left, and identify mobility and safety needs while developing alternative “Complete Streets” design concepts to create a more safe and efficient transportation system that takes into consideration the needs of all travelers, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders and motorists.
This project is an extension of the Rethink Woodhaven Revitalization Plan, which was adopted by the Rome Common Council in 2018.
Project Background
Outlined as physical action items within the Rethink Woodhaven Revitalization Plan, the actions directly related to this study included assessing road conditions, including an assessment for an Ellsworth Road connection, creating an entry road, creating trail connections, and implementing wayfinding.
This study progresses the revitalization plan and readies the community for transportation enhancements to better the quality of life of existing residents and potential new residents who view connectivity as a vital component to a healthy neighborhood and community.
Complete Streets are designed to balance safety and convenience for everyone using the road. They are roadways designed to enable safe, attractive and comfortable access and travel for all users of all ages and abilities, including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation users.
The main concept of Complete Streets designs are to make it easy to cross the street, walk to shopping areas, and bicycle to work, by redefining the roadway, providing safe street crossings, shortening crossing distance, and slowing travel speeds.
Important Documents & Resources
See the Study in Action
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Woodhaven Complete Streets
Above, see the Woodhaven Complete Streets design. This new public roadway through the Woodhaven Revitalization Area will connect Floyd Avenue to Vega Drive and will include an open-space public park, a multi-use side path, and a connection to the nearby Mohawk River Trail. To the right is a visual representation of what the project will look like once constructed.
Park Drive Complete Streets
Proposed improvements for Park Drive, from Floyd Avenue to Vega Drive, shown above, include stormwater improvements, curbing, street trees, a multi-use path, crosswalks, and ADA compliant surfaces. A public meeting was held on October 7, 2024 to gather feedback on the proposed plan and Alternate 2 was preferred by the public.
Preferred Option
Click the image to enlarge
Funding for the design and construction of both projects comes from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Project Fund (CPF).